22 April 2011

Good Friday

I'm pretty OCD when it comes to my routine and planning my day, so when people change my plans at the last minute, it kind of annoys me. I need to realise that sometimes it can be a good thing, though.

I wasn't really looking forward to today because my 'plans' for this morning weren't exactly something I wanted to do, but they got changed at the last minute and my day ended up being pretty good!

After an unscheduled nap, I went out into the garden and finished weeding the rockery before putting up the fairy lights and butterfly solar powered lights, then I planted seeds and rearranged the ornaments. The ornaments look a bit crowded and the rest of the rockery looks a bit bare, but once the flowers start to grow I think it will look beautiful.

Me and my dad started the garden this time last year but we never got a chance to finish it because he passed away. I finished it on my own, mostly for my dad, but I also found it quite therapeutic...it gave me something to focus on and helped me get through my grief.
Easter Sunday was the last time I saw my dad, so I'm feeling a bit sad at the moment and I think having something to throw myself into is helping again.

After that, I made cornflake cakes with Bethany and Chloe. We put mini eggs and a fluffy chick in the middle of each one so they look like nests. We're growing some cress too. I love doing activities and art & craft stuff with them, I never did anything like that when I was a kid.

Now me and Chloe are snuggling up on the sofa to watch some Doctor Who! We have episodes 7-13 to watch in preparation for the new series kicking off tomorrow! Then we're all off to my nanna's for dinner, which brings me to the question; why do we eat fish on Good Friday?

Laura x

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